Bronco spirit slot

  1. Blackjack Python Object Oriented
  2. Blackjack Python Simulator
  3. Blackjack In Python With Classes
  4. Blackjack In Python 3
  5. Blackjack In Python With Classes

A Python Blackjack Game. 14 Years Ago Ene Uran. Just a simple console blackjack game. The bread and butter code was written with lots of comments, so you can improve on it. Really, the most important part is figuring out when an ace is 11 in value and when it is a 1 in value, so you don't bust. Python blackjack. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

Here is a little bit of documentation about the more important functions andclasses from the blackjack program. This documentation is auto-generatedfrom the Python source code and doc strings contained in the source code.
A Blackjack game

Blackjack Python Object Oriented

class blackjack.Blackjack(win)¶

Controller or coordinator of the game. All buttons belongto this class.

This the entry and exit point to/from main. The MouseTrapengine exits to here, then we exit back to main
Button call back – give player another card and let dealerplay then check if game over yet. Otherwise, back to theHit or Stand choice.
Button call back to begin a hand. It does some clean upfrom the previous hand and does the initial deal to the dealer andplayer. Unless the player or dealer got a Blackjack (21 from justthe two cards in the initial deal), then after this functionexits, players next pick to Hit or Stand
Button call back to exit the program. It just returnsFalse so that the MouseTrap engine will exit
Button call back – player does not need another card. Let thedealer play now, which finishes the hand.
Button click handler for reseting the game
The main() program that gets everything started. It basicallyjust creates the graphics window, creates the Blackjack(controller) object and gets it started. Another external programthat imports this module could easily do the same and start aBlackjack game in it’s own graphics window.
The participants (Dealer, Player) of a Blackjack game
class bkJplayers.Contestant(win, deck, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)¶

Common stuff between player and dealer. Don’t create aninstance of this class - that’s what player and dealer are for.They inherit form this class, which on exists to cut down on codeduplication.

Just return if contestant went bust
Clear the stuff from last hand and get ready for next
Not really a turn, just flip the downcard and report finalscore.
How to make blackjack in python
Pick out the best score and return it
Called from player.hit and from dealer.
Just return if contestant is standing - satisfied with cards inhand
Pick out the best score of the only the face up cards and return it
Set the bust status to true and show a message saying went bust
class bkJplayers.Dealer(win, deck, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)¶

Functions specific to the dealer (different than player). Theinit function from Contestant does what’s needed for this class.

The initial deal to dealer - one face up, one face down
Dealer finishes the hand after player is finished
Set the stand status to true and display a message that the dealerstands.
Dealer takes a to turn see what they come up with
class bkJplayers.Player(win, deck, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)¶

Functions specific to the player (different than dealer) Theinit function from Contestant does what’s needed for thisclass.

The initial deal to player - one card face up, one down
Each player’s hand of cards for a Blackjack game
class bkJhand.Twohands(win, xmin, xmax, ycenter, yscore)¶

Blackjack Python Simulator

One hand for all cards and another hand for just the face-up cards.The later is just for calculating the points of the face up cards, whichyour opponent can see. This class is a wrapper around the Hand class sothat the player classes only have to talk to one Hand class.

In hindsight, this may not have been the best approach. I could havechanged the Hand class to make note of the value of the face down card andkept two scores and two scoreBoxes.

Reset the Hand and remove displayed cards for a new hand
Deal a card Face down
Deal a card Face up
Flip the 2nd, face down, card over. Remove the face up score andshow the score for all cards.
Return the list of scores
Display a message in the all card score box
Display a message in the face up card score box
Dealer calls this, just so we know this is the dealer’s hand. Itsets a Boolean variable Only difference is how the face down card isshown.
Display the score for all cards
Return the list of scores
Display the score for the face up cards
class bkJhand.Hand(win, xmin, xmax, ycenter, yscore, label)¶

Manage the set of card in the hand. Keeps a list of the cards,shows them on the screen and counts the points. Also has functions todisplay the points for the hand, but the player and dealerdetermine when to do that.

Clear the screen and the hand of cards in prep for next hand
Add a dealt card face down
Add a dealt card face up
The second card is first dealt face down. At the last turnof each dealer and player, it is turned up.
Clear the score box message area
Return the set of current non-bust scores. If best is 21,return it as the only item in the score list.
Display some special message in the score box
Display the current score for the hand
Card and Deck classes for games played with playing cards -Blackjack being the first..
class cards.Card((rank, suit))¶
Blackjack In Python

Playing card for games such as Blackjack - this is the non-drawn card,DrawnCard class extends this class to add drawing the card on thescreen.

Note: Deck’s deal method returns a tuple of form (rank, suit),and Card’s __init__ method takes the same tuple to create a deck,so they work nicely together, but may require special care if not usedtogether. This makes it easier to create the type of card needed.

Returns how may points the card is worth in Blackjack.Returns Ace as 1 point, so counting it as either1 or 11 point must be done some where else
Just a stub - it does nothing
Just a stub - it does nothing
Just a stub - it does nothing
Just a stub - it does nothing
Just a stub - it does nothing
Returns in range 1 (Ace) to 13 (King) for card

Blackjack In Python With Classes

Returns suit (one of ‘d’, ‘c’, ‘h’, ‘s’) for diamonds,clubs, hearts or spades
Just a stub - it does nothing
Just a stub - it does nothing
How to create blackjack in python
class cards.DrawnCard(win, cardTuple)¶

Playing card for games such as Blackjack - this is for a card objectthat we want to display in a graphics window. It extends the genericcard.

Show the image of the card face up
Show the image of the card face down
Flip the card over. Switch the image between face up and facedown
Returns file name for face down image of the card
Returns file name for face up image of the card
Move the card image to a new location. new is a Point object
Remove the image of the card from graphics window
class cards.CoveredCard(win, cardTuple)¶

This is a specialized card for games such as Blackjack.Like the DrawnCard, it draws an image of the card, but in the case whencard is supposed to be face down, instead of displaying the image forthe back of the card, it first shows the card face up, and then coversmost of the card with a face down image. This is to communicate to theuser that to their opponents, this is a face down card, but it lets themsee enough of the card to know what it is. It extends the DrawnCardClass. While self.face = True (it is face up) it behaves the same asDrawnCard class.

Show the image of the card covered by a face down card
Flip the card over. Switch the image between face up and facedown
Move the card image to a new location. new is a Point object
Remove the image of the card from graphics window
class cards.Deck¶

A deck of 52 playing cards

Returns how many undealt cards are left in the deck
Blackjack in python code
Deal one card from the deck. Returns a card object.
Just what the function name says
Some unit testing code for deck and card classes: Card, DrawnCard and Covered Card
Part of the Blackjack game. Displays the scoreboard and other messages.
class textboxes.ScoreBox(win, center, begin=None)¶

Just a Text area to keep the score in

Show the score with the begin message, call with no parameters toremove the score from the screen
class textboxes.MessageBox(win, center)¶

Just a Text area to display a message in

Change the text color
Show a message, call with no parameters toremove the score from the screen
A simple mouse click event catching engine with button callbacks and a simple Button widget.
class guiengine.MouseTrap(win)¶

A class to catch mouse click events on buttons and run theappropriate call back function. This provides a framework forasychronous programming using the event catching and call backmodel.

Buttons are registered with the trap engine so that they arewatched for a mouse click over the button.

Important notes about call back functions:

1) If the class extends the Button class and has a function namedrun(), then it will be the call back. That implies that the classhas only one button. Probably more useful is to use the baseButton class or an extension of it and use the Button classessetRun() function to specifiy a function of choice for the callback. (See the Button class for more on info.)

2) Rather using a parameter to init or other special function tospecify which Button is the Quit button, the mechanism used isthat a call back function can cause the MousTrap engine to exit(and presumably, the rest of the program) by having the functionreturn a Boolean False value. Thus any function that wants theprogram to continue watching for mouse clicks needs to returnTrue. This can allow more than one exit path for error handlingand avoids needing to register a button as a Quit button. Butdon’t forget in coding the call back function to return thedesired value of True or False.

Register the button class, each button needs to have a run() methodand a clicked() boolean method (part of the base Button class).
Run the event catcher waiting for mouse clicks.
class guiengine.Button(win, center, width, height, label)¶

A button is a labeled rectangle in a window.It is activated or deactivated with the activate()and deactivate() methods. The clicked(p) methodreturns true if the button is active and p is inside it.

Sets this button to ‘active’.
Returns true if button active and p is inside
Sets this button to ‘inactive’.
Returns the label string of this button.
The default event handler. It either runs the handler functionset in setRun() or it raises an exception.
set a function to be the mouse click event handler
setUp(win, center, width, height, label)¶
set most of the Button data - not in init to make easierfor child class methods inheriting from Button.If called from child class with own run(), set self.runDef
Simple object oriented graphics library for Introduction to Programmingusing Python by John Zelle, Ph.D.
Dec 28th, 2011

Blackjack In Python 3


Blackjack In Python With Classes

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  1. Class based Blackjack game
  2. ''
  3. importrandomas r
  4. RULES =''--------------------------------
  5. dealer gives 2 cards to player and himself, only one visible for himself
  6. card values are number value, face cards = 10, ace = 1 or 11
  7. player can hit or stand or split
  8. only split if same value card
  9. split gives player 2 hands, original bet must be matched on 2nd hand
  10. can split 3 times on all cards but aces
  11. can only split once if aces, not blackjack if 10 on both
  12. if pointvalue > 21 = BUST
  13. dealer must hit if <= 16
  14. dealer must stay if >= 17
  15. If player beats dealer, gets double money back, or 1:1
  16. If player get blackjack on first turn, 1.5:1
  17. Player can place double original bet, but must take only one more card
  18. These rules are not very professional will fix later.. were just notes for me to write the game :D
  19. deck =['Ace of Spades','2 of Spades','3 of Spades','4 of Spades','5 of Spades','6 of Spades',
  20. '7 of Spades','8 of Spades','9 of Spades','10 of Spades','Jack of Spades','Queen of Spades',
  21. 'King of Spades','Ace of Hearts','2 of Hearts','3 of Hearts','4 of Hearts','5 of Hearts',
  22. '6 of Hearts','7 of Hearts','8 of Hearts','9 of Hearts','10 of Hearts','Jack of Hearts',
  23. 'Queen of Hearts','King of Hearts','Ace of Clubs','2 of Clubs','3 of Clubs','4 of Clubs',
  24. '5 of Clubs','6 of Clubs','7 of Clubs','8 of Clubs','9 of Clubs','10 of Clubs',
  25. 'Jack of Clubs','Queen of Clubs','King of Clubs','Ace of Diamonds','2 of Diamonds','3 of Diamonds',
  26. '4 of Diamonds','5 of Diamonds','6 of Diamonds','7 of Diamonds','8 of Diamonds','9 of Diamonds',
  27. '10 of Diamonds','Jack of Diamonds','Queen of Diamonds','King of Diamonds'
  28. def checkpoints(hand_list):
  29. pointdict ={
  30. 'Ace of Spades':'ace','2 of Spades':2,'3 of Spades':3,'4 of Spades':4,'5 of Spades':5,'6 of Spades':6,'7 of Spades':7,'8 of Spades':8,'9 of Spades':9,'10 of Spades':10,'Jack of Spades':10,'Queen of Spades':10,'King of Spades':10,
  31. 'Ace of Hearts':'ace','2 of Hearts':2,'3 of Hearts':3,'4 of Hearts':4,'5 of Hearts':5,'6 of Hearts':6,'7 of Hearts':7,'8 of Hearts':8,'9 of Hearts':9,'10 of Hearts':10,'Jack of Hearts':10,'Queen of Hearts':10,'King of Hearts':10,
  32. 'Ace of Clubs':'ace','2 of Clubs':2,'3 of Clubs':3,'4 of Clubs':4,'5 of Clubs':5,'6 of Clubs':6,'7 of Clubs':7,'8 of Clubs':8,'9 of Clubs':9,'10 of Clubs':10,'Jack of Clubs':10,'Queen of Clubs':10,'King of Clubs':10,
  33. 'Ace of Diamonds':'ace','2 of Diamonds':2,'3 of Diamonds':3,'4 of Diamonds':4,'5 of Diamonds':5,'6 of Diamonds':6,'7 of Diamonds':7,'8 of Diamonds':8,'9 of Diamonds':9,'10 of Diamonds':10,'Jack of Diamonds':10,'Queen of Diamonds':10,'King of Diamonds':10
  34. ##############################################
  35. for card in hand_list:
  36. possible_points =[]
  37. if item 'ace':
  38. possible_points.append(1)
  39. else:
  40. possible_points[i] +=1
  41. possible_points.append(possible_points[-1]+10)
  42. for item in points:
  43. try:
  44. possible_points[i] += item
  45. continue
  46. iflen(possible_points)0:
  47. else:
  48. possible_points.sort()
  49. class BlackjackGame:
  50. print'Starting up Game'
  51. deck =['Ace of Spades','2 of Spades','3 of Spades','4 of Spades','5 of Spades','6 of Spades',
  52. '7 of Spades','8 of Spades','9 of Spades','10 of Spades','Jack of Spades','Queen of Spades',
  53. 'King of Spades','Ace of Hearts','2 of Hearts','3 of Hearts','4 of Hearts','5 of Hearts',
  54. '6 of Hearts','7 of Hearts','8 of Hearts','9 of Hearts','10 of Hearts','Jack of Hearts',
  55. 'Queen of Hearts','King of Hearts','Ace of Clubs','2 of Clubs','3 of Clubs','4 of Clubs',
  56. '5 of Clubs','6 of Clubs','7 of Clubs','8 of Clubs','9 of Clubs','10 of Clubs',
  57. 'Jack of Clubs','Queen of Clubs','King of Clubs','Ace of Diamonds','2 of Diamonds','3 of Diamonds',
  58. '4 of Diamonds','5 of Diamonds','6 of Diamonds','7 of Diamonds','8 of Diamonds','9 of Diamonds',
  59. '10 of Diamonds','Jack of Diamonds','Queen of Diamonds','King of Diamonds'
  60. temp =raw_input('How many decks does this dealer get? ')
  61. temp =raw_input('Invalid input.nHow many decks does this dealer get? ')
  62. print'Too many.. not realistic enough.. i'll just go with 5..'
  63. self.dealerdeck= deck * 5
  64. whileTrue:
  65. temp =raw_input('Would you like to play a round?(y/n) ')
  66. while temp.lower()notin'yn'or temp.lower()notin'ny':
  67. temp =raw_input('Invalid InputnWould you like to play a round?(y/n) ')
  68. returnFalse
  69. returnTrue
  70. iflen(self.dealerdeck)>10:
  71. dealerhand =[]
  72. z = r.randint(0,len(self.dealerdeck)-1)
  73. hand.append(y)
  74. z = r.randint(0,len(self.dealerdeck)-1)
  75. dealerhand.append(y)
  76. else:
  77. self.dealerdeck=self.getdealerdeck()
  78. def play(self):
  79. tempyn =raw_input('Would you like to read the rules?(y/n) ').lower()
  80. tempyn =raw_input('Invalid inputnWould you like to read the rules?(y/n) ').lower()
  81. print RULES
  82. tempyn =raw_input('Would you like to play a hand?(y/n) ').lower()
  83. tempyn =raw_input('Invalid inputnWould you like to play a hand?(y/n) ').lower()
  84. self.dealerdeck,self.playerhand,self.dealerhand=self.gethand()
  85. else: break
  86. def playround(self):
  87. print'Your hand has:',self.playerhand[0],'and',self.playerhand[1]
  88. print'You can see the dealer has:',self.dealerhand[1]
  89. if21in checkpoints(self.playerhand):
  90. #bet = bet + bet*1.5
  91. elif21in checkpoints(self.dealerhand):
  92. print'Dealer gets blackjack'
  93. splitpossible =False
  94. x ='You may; hit(H), stand(S), doubledown(DD), surrender(I'm French)'
  95. x +=', split(split)'
  96. print x
  97. playerchoice =raw_input('Please choose: ').lower()
  98. while playerchoice notin['stand','hit','doubledown','surrender','h','s','dd','i'm french']:
  99. playerchoice =raw_input('InvalidnPlease choose again: ').lower()
  100. whileTrue:
  101. self.playerhand.append(self.dealerdeck.pop(r.randint(0,len(self.dealerdeck)-1)))
  102. if checkpoints(self.playerhand)[0]>21:
  103. elif checkpoints(self.playerhand)[0]21:
  104. print'Blackjack, let's see if the dealer also gets it..'
  105. while temp !='h'and temp !='s':
  106. temp =raw_input('Invalid..nHit or Stay? (h/s)').lower()
  107. break
  108. print'Bust - Dealer wins'
  109. print'Dealer has',self.dealerhand[0]
  110. self.dealerhand.append(self.dealerdeck.pop(r.randint(0,len(self.dealerdeck)-1)))
  111. if checkpoints(self.dealerhand)[0]>21:
  112. else:
  113. playerpoints = checkpoints(self.playerhand)
  114. for x inrange(len(playerpoints)):
  115. playerpoints.pop(x)
  116. if dealerpoints[x]>21:
  117. if playerpoints[-1] dealerpoints[-1]:
  118. elif dealerpoints[-1]> playerpoints[-1]:
  119. else:
  120. if splitpossible True:
  121. while playerchoice notin['stand','hit','doubledown','surrender','h','s','dd','i'm french','split']:
  122. playerchoice =raw_input('InvalidnPlease choose again: ')
  123. ------------------------------------
  124. ----------------------------------
  125. | ------------- |
  126. | ------------- |
  127. | Dmaster_773 |
  128. | :) |
  129. /
  130. ''
  131. lol = BlackjackGame()
  132. lol.getdealerdeck()
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